Smart Money Breakouts [ChartPrime] for ThinkOrSwim


Moderator - Expert

Author Message:
The "Smart Money Breakouts" indicator is designed to identify breakouts based on changes in character (CHOCH) or breaks of structure (BOS) patterns, facilitating automated trading with user-defined Take Profit (TP) level.
More Details :


#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © ChartPrime
#indicator("Smart Money Breakouts [ChartPrime]", overlay=true, max_labels_count=500
# Converted and mod By Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 10 / 2023
input showInfoLabel = yes;
input colorBars = yes;
input colorBackground = yes;
input period = 20;                               #, 'Length',group = CORE,tooltip = "Swing Length")
input WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle = {default "Wicks", "Body"};    # "Wicks or Body of the candle"
input showBosChoch = {Default "Bubbles & Lines", "Bubbles Only", "Lines Only", "Don't Show"};
input signalType = {Default "Bubbles", "Arrows", "Don't Show"};
input showTargetLines = yes;
input LotSize = 100;
input ProfitMultiplyer = 1.75;    # "Target Multiplyer "
input StopLossMultiplyer = 2.00;

def na = Double.NaN;
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def Sync = AbsValue(BarNumber());
def tar = ProfitMultiplyer * 10;
def stL = StopLossMultiplyer * 10;
def wick = WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle == WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle."Wicks";
def sigBubble = signalType == signalType."Bubbles";
def sigArrows = signalType == signalType."Arrows";
#method volAdj(int len)=>
def nATR = ATR(Length = 30);
def volAdj = Min(nATR * 0.3, close * (0.3 / 100));
def Adj = volAdj[20] / 2;
def bubble; def lines;
Switch (showBosChoch) {
Case "Bubbles Only" :
    bubble = yes;
    lines = no;
Case "Lines Only" :
    bubble = no;
    lines = yes;
Case "Don't Show" :
    bubble = no;
    lines = no;
Default :
    bubble = yes;
    lines = yes;

#-- Colors
DefineGlobalColor("GREEN", CreateColor(2, 133, 69));
DefineGlobalColor("TAIL", CreateColor(20, 141, 154));
DefineGlobalColor("RED" , CreateColor(246, 7, 7));
DefineGlobalColor("_Green", CreateColor(3, 156, 131));
DefineGlobalColor("_RED", GetColor(2));
DefineGlobalColor("dGreen", CreateColor(3,69,57));
DefineGlobalColor("dRed", CreateColor(86,3,10));

#-- Script
script VolCal {
    input Index = 100;
    input Sync  = 50;
    def Bars = AbsValue(Index - Sync);
    def Green = fold i = 0 to Bars with p do
                p + (if GetValue(close, i) > GetValue(open, i)
                then GetValue(volume, i) else 0);
    def Red  = fold j = 0 to Bars with q do
                q + (if GetValue(close, j) < GetValue(open, j)
                then GetValue(volume, j) else 0);
    def Total = fold v = 0 to Bars with l do
                l + GetValue(volume, v);
    def GreenRatio = Green / Total * 100;
    def RedRatio = Red / Total * 100;
    def VolCal = if GreenRatio > 55 then 1 else
                 if RedRatio > 55 then -1 else 0;
    plot Out = VolCal;
script FindPivots {
    input dat = close; # default data or study being evaluated
    input HL  = 0;    # default high or low pivot designation, -1 low, +1 high
    input lbL  = 5;    # default Pivot Lookback Left
    input lbR  = 1;    # default Pivot Lookback Right
    def _nan;    # used for non-number returns
    def _BN;     # the current barnumber
    def _VStop;  # confirms that the lookforward period continues the pivot trend
    def _V;      # the Value at the actual pivot point
    def _pivotRange;
    _BN  = BarNumber();
    _nan = Double.NaN;
    _pivotRange = lbL + lbL;
    _VStop = if !IsNaN(dat[_pivotRange]) and lbR > 0 and lbL > 0 then
                fold a = 1 to lbR + 1 with b=1 while b do
                    if HL > 0 then dat > GetValue(dat, -a) else dat < GetValue(dat, -a) else _nan;
    if (HL > 0) {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Highest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    } else {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Lowest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    plot result = if !IsNaN(_V) and _VStop then _V else _nan;
def ph =  findpivots(high, 1, period, period);
def pl =  findpivots(low ,-1, period, period);
def nanPh = !isNaN(ph);
def nanPl = !isNaN(pl);
def fixPh = if nanPh then ph else fixPh[1];
def fixPl = if nanPl then pl else fixPl[1];
def ScrHigh = if wick then high else close;
def ScrLow  = if wick then low else close;

def UpdatedHigh;
def UpdatedLow;
def ShortTrade;
def TradeisON;
def LongTrade;
def HighIndex;
def phActive;
def plActive;
def phActive_;
def plActive_;
def LowIndex;
def HBreak;
def TP;
def SL;
def BUY;
def SELL;

if nanPh {
    UpdatedHigh = ph;
    phActive_   = yes;
    HighIndex   = Sync;
    } else {
    UpdatedHigh = UpdatedHigh[1];
    phActive_   = phActive[1];
    HighIndex   = HighIndex[1];
if nanPl  {
    UpdatedLow = pl;
    plActive_  = yes;
    LowIndex   = Sync;
    } else {
    UpdatedLow = UpdatedLow[1];
    plActive_  = plActive[1];
    LowIndex   = LowIndex[1];
#// LONG
if ScrHigh > UpdatedHigh and phActive_ {
    BUY = yes;
    phActive = no;
    } else {
    BUY = no;
    phActive = phActive_;
if ScrLow < UpdatedLow and plActive_ {
    SELL = yes;
    plActive = no;
    } else {
    SELL = no;
    plActive = plActive_;
#// lets Draw

def barB;def LabLocB;def labB;
def barS;def LabLocS;def labS;

if BUY and !TradeisON[1] {
    barB    = Sync;
    barS    = barS[1];
    LabLocB = floor(Sync - (Sync - HighIndex) / 2);
    LabLocS = LabLocS[1];
    labB    = if !HBreak[1] then 1 else -1;
    labS    = labS[1];
    HBreak  = yes;
    } else
if SELL and !TradeisON[1] {
    barB    = barB[1];
    barS    = Sync;
    LabLocB = LabLocB[1];
    LabLocS = floor(Sync - (Sync - LowIndex) / 2);
    labB    = labB[1];
    labS    = if HBreak[1] then 1 else -1;
    HBreak  = no;
    } else {
    barB    = barB[1];
    barS    = barS[1];
    LabLocB = LabLocB[1];
    LabLocS = LabLocS[1];
    labB    = labB[1];
    labS    = labS[1];
    HBreak  = HBreak[1];
def Long = BUY and !TradeisON[1];
def Short = SELL and !TradeisON[1];
def TradeFire = Long or Short;

if Long and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = yes;
    ShortTrade = no;
    } else
if Short and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = no;
    ShortTrade = yes;
    } else {
    LongTrade = LongTrade[1];
    ShortTrade = ShortTrade[1];
def win; def los;def entry;
def profit; def losses;
if TradeFire and !TradeisON[1] {
    entry = ohlc4[-1];
    TP = if Long  then entry + (Adj * Tar) else
         if Short then entry - (Adj * Tar) else na;
    SL = if Long  then entry - (Adj * stL) else
         if Short then entry + (Adj * stL) else na;
    win = if !sync then 0 else win[1];
    los = if !sync then 0 else los[1];
    profit = profit[1];
    losses = losses[1];
    TradeisON = yes;
    } else
if LongTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if high  >= TP then win[1] + 1 else win[1];
    los = if close <= SL then los[1] + 1 else los[1];
    profit = if high crosses above TP then profit[1] + AbsValue(close - Entry) * lotSize else profit[1];
    losses = if close crosses below SL then losses[1] + AbsValue(Entry - close) * lotSize else losses[1];
    TradeisON = if high >= TP then no else
                if close <= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
    } else
if ShortTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if low <= TP then win[1] + 1 else win[1];
    los = if close >= SL then los[1] + 1 else los[1];
    profit = if low crosses below TP then profit[1] + AbsValue(entry - close) * lotSize else profit[1];
    losses = if close Crosses Above SL then losses[1] + AbsValue(close - Entry) * lotSize else losses[1];
    TradeisON = if low <= tp then no else
                if close >= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
    } else {
    entry = na;
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if !sync then 0 else win[1];
    los = if !sync then 0 else los[1];
    profit = profit[1];
    losses = losses[1];
    TradeisON = TradeisON[1];
def volH =  VolCal(HighIndex,Sync);
def volL = VolCal(LowIndex,Sync);
def BearCon = TradeisON and ShortTrade;
def BullCon = TradeisON and LongTrade;
def signH = if BUY  and !TradeisON then volH else signH[1];
def signS = if SELL and !TradeisON then volL else signS[1];
def buyCond = BullCon and !BullCon[1];
def sellCond = BearCon and !BearCon[1];
def barBuy  = if buyCond  then HighIndex -1 else barBuy[1];
def barSell = if sellCond then lowIndex  -1 else barSell[1];

#-- Signals
plot arrUp = if sigArrows and buyCond then low else na;
plot arrDn = if sigArrows and sellCond then high else na;
arrUp.AssignValueColor(if signH>0 then color.CYAN else Color.VIOLET);
arrDn.AssignValueColor(if signS<0 then color.MAGENTA else Color.PLUM);

AddchartBubble(sigBubble and buyCond, low,"B" ,if signH>0 then color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN, no);
AddchartBubble(sigBubble and sellCond, high,"S",if signS<0 then color.RED else Color.DARK_RED);

#-- Trade
plot entryLine = if !showTargetLines then na else
                 if TradeisON then entry else na;

plot lineUp = if !showTargetLines then na else
              if BullCon then tp else
              if BearCon then tp else na;
plot lineDn = if !showTargetLines then na else
              if BullCon then sl else
              if BearCon then sl else na;

def plotUp = lines and highestAll(barB) > Sync and Sync > highestAll(barBuy);
def plotDn = lines and highestAll(barS) > Sync and Sync > highestAll(barSell);

plot BullPvt = if plotUp then if fixPh then fixPh else na else na;
plot BearPvt = if plotDn then if fixPl then fixPl else na else na;



def bubUpCond = bubble and highestAll(LabLocB) == sync;
def bubDnpCond = bubble and highestAll(LabLocS) == sync;

AddChartBubble(bubUpCond, fixPh ,if labB > 0 then "BOS" else "CHoCH",
               if signH>0 then Color.GREEN else if  signH < 0 then Color.RED else GetColor(4));
AddChartBubble(bubDnpCond, fixPl ,if labS > 0 then "BOS" else "CHoCH",
               if signS<0 then Color.GREEN else if signS > 0 then Color.RED else GetColor(4));

#-- BG and Bar Color
AddCloud(if !colorBackground then na else if BullCon then pos else na, neg, GlobalColor("dGreen"));
AddCloud(if !colorBackground then na else if BearCon then pos else na, neg, GlobalColor("dRed"));

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if BearCon then GlobalColor("_RED") else
                 if BullCon then GlobalColor("_Green") else CreateColor(52, 52, 54));


plot TradeEnd = if !TradeisON and TradeisON[1] then
                if los>los[1] then lineDn[1] else lineUp[1] else na;
TradeEnd.AssignValueColor(if win>win[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#-- Label
def totTrade = win + los;
def winRate = Round(win / totTrade * 100, 0);
def PandL = Round(profit - losses, 2);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Tot Trade: " + totTrade, color.WHITE);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "P/L: $" + PandL,
                        if PandL > 0 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else
                        if PandL < 0 then Color.PINK else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "WinRate: " + winRate + "%",
                        if winRate > 50 then Color. Green else
                        if winRate < 50 then color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Win: " + win, color.GREEN);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Loss: " + los, color.RED);

#-- END of CODE

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I am not able to get the same settings, as in the picture above.
Can someone post the TOS shareable link please?
Thank You

Author Message:
The "Smart Money Breakouts" indicator is designed to identify breakouts based on changes in character (CHOCH) or breaks of structure (BOS) patterns, facilitating automated trading with user-defined Take Profit (TP) level.
More Details :


#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © ChartPrime
#indicator("Smart Money Breakouts [ChartPrime]", overlay=true, max_labels_count=500
# Converted and mod By Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 10 / 2023
input showInfoLabel = yes;
input colorBars = yes;
input colorBackground = yes;
input period = 20;                               #, 'Length',group = CORE,tooltip = "Swing Length")
input WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle = {default "Wicks", "Body"};    # "Wicks or Body of the candle"
input showBosChoch = {Default "Bubbles & Lines", "Bubbles Only", "Lines Only", "Don't Show"};
input signalType = {Default "Bubbles", "Arrows", "Don't Show"};
input showTargetLines = yes;
input LotSize = 100;
input ProfitMultiplyer = 1.75;    # "Target Multiplyer "
input StopLossMultiplyer = 2.00;

def na = Double.NaN;
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def Sync = AbsValue(BarNumber());
def tar = ProfitMultiplyer * 10;
def stL = StopLossMultiplyer * 10;
def wick = WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle == WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle."Wicks";
def sigBubble = signalType == signalType."Bubbles";
def sigArrows = signalType == signalType."Arrows";
#method volAdj(int len)=>
def nATR = ATR(Length = 30);
def volAdj = Min(nATR * 0.3, close * (0.3 / 100));
def Adj = volAdj[20] / 2;
def bubble; def lines;
Switch (showBosChoch) {
Case "Bubbles Only" :
    bubble = yes;
    lines = no;
Case "Lines Only" :
    bubble = no;
    lines = yes;
Case "Don't Show" :
    bubble = no;
    lines = no;
Default :
    bubble = yes;
    lines = yes;

#-- Colors
DefineGlobalColor("GREEN", CreateColor(2, 133, 69));
DefineGlobalColor("TAIL", CreateColor(20, 141, 154));
DefineGlobalColor("RED" , CreateColor(246, 7, 7));
DefineGlobalColor("_Green", CreateColor(3, 156, 131));
DefineGlobalColor("_RED", GetColor(2));
DefineGlobalColor("dGreen", CreateColor(3,69,57));
DefineGlobalColor("dRed", CreateColor(86,3,10));

#-- Script
script VolCal {
    input Index = 100;
    input Sync  = 50;
    def Bars = AbsValue(Index - Sync);
    def Green = fold i = 0 to Bars with p do
                p + (if GetValue(close, i) > GetValue(open, i)
                then GetValue(volume, i) else 0);
    def Red  = fold j = 0 to Bars with q do
                q + (if GetValue(close, j) < GetValue(open, j)
                then GetValue(volume, j) else 0);
    def Total = fold v = 0 to Bars with l do
                l + GetValue(volume, v);
    def GreenRatio = Green / Total * 100;
    def RedRatio = Red / Total * 100;
    def VolCal = if GreenRatio > 55 then 1 else
                 if RedRatio > 55 then -1 else 0;
    plot Out = VolCal;
script FindPivots {
    input dat = close; # default data or study being evaluated
    input HL  = 0;    # default high or low pivot designation, -1 low, +1 high
    input lbL  = 5;    # default Pivot Lookback Left
    input lbR  = 1;    # default Pivot Lookback Right
    def _nan;    # used for non-number returns
    def _BN;     # the current barnumber
    def _VStop;  # confirms that the lookforward period continues the pivot trend
    def _V;      # the Value at the actual pivot point
    def _pivotRange;
    _BN  = BarNumber();
    _nan = Double.NaN;
    _pivotRange = lbL + lbL;
    _VStop = if !IsNaN(dat[_pivotRange]) and lbR > 0 and lbL > 0 then
                fold a = 1 to lbR + 1 with b=1 while b do
                    if HL > 0 then dat > GetValue(dat, -a) else dat < GetValue(dat, -a) else _nan;
    if (HL > 0) {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Highest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    } else {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Lowest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    plot result = if !IsNaN(_V) and _VStop then _V else _nan;
def ph =  findpivots(high, 1, period, period);
def pl =  findpivots(low ,-1, period, period);
def nanPh = !isNaN(ph);
def nanPl = !isNaN(pl);
def fixPh = if nanPh then ph else fixPh[1];
def fixPl = if nanPl then pl else fixPl[1];
def ScrHigh = if wick then high else close;
def ScrLow  = if wick then low else close;

def UpdatedHigh;
def UpdatedLow;
def ShortTrade;
def TradeisON;
def LongTrade;
def HighIndex;
def phActive;
def plActive;
def phActive_;
def plActive_;
def LowIndex;
def HBreak;
def TP;
def SL;
def BUY;
def SELL;

if nanPh {
    UpdatedHigh = ph;
    phActive_   = yes;
    HighIndex   = Sync;
    } else {
    UpdatedHigh = UpdatedHigh[1];
    phActive_   = phActive[1];
    HighIndex   = HighIndex[1];
if nanPl  {
    UpdatedLow = pl;
    plActive_  = yes;
    LowIndex   = Sync;
    } else {
    UpdatedLow = UpdatedLow[1];
    plActive_  = plActive[1];
    LowIndex   = LowIndex[1];
#// LONG
if ScrHigh > UpdatedHigh and phActive_ {
    BUY = yes;
    phActive = no;
    } else {
    BUY = no;
    phActive = phActive_;
if ScrLow < UpdatedLow and plActive_ {
    SELL = yes;
    plActive = no;
    } else {
    SELL = no;
    plActive = plActive_;
#// lets Draw

def barB;def LabLocB;def labB;
def barS;def LabLocS;def labS;

if BUY and !TradeisON[1] {
    barB    = Sync;
    barS    = barS[1];
    LabLocB = floor(Sync - (Sync - HighIndex) / 2);
    LabLocS = LabLocS[1];
    labB    = if !HBreak[1] then 1 else -1;
    labS    = labS[1];
    HBreak  = yes;
    } else
if SELL and !TradeisON[1] {
    barB    = barB[1];
    barS    = Sync;
    LabLocB = LabLocB[1];
    LabLocS = floor(Sync - (Sync - LowIndex) / 2);
    labB    = labB[1];
    labS    = if HBreak[1] then 1 else -1;
    HBreak  = no;
    } else {
    barB    = barB[1];
    barS    = barS[1];
    LabLocB = LabLocB[1];
    LabLocS = LabLocS[1];
    labB    = labB[1];
    labS    = labS[1];
    HBreak  = HBreak[1];
def Long = BUY and !TradeisON[1];
def Short = SELL and !TradeisON[1];
def TradeFire = Long or Short;

if Long and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = yes;
    ShortTrade = no;
    } else
if Short and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = no;
    ShortTrade = yes;
    } else {
    LongTrade = LongTrade[1];
    ShortTrade = ShortTrade[1];
def win; def los;def entry;
def profit; def losses;
if TradeFire and !TradeisON[1] {
    entry = ohlc4[-1];
    TP = if Long  then entry + (Adj * Tar) else
         if Short then entry - (Adj * Tar) else na;
    SL = if Long  then entry - (Adj * stL) else
         if Short then entry + (Adj * stL) else na;
    win = if !sync then 0 else win[1];
    los = if !sync then 0 else los[1];
    profit = profit[1];
    losses = losses[1];
    TradeisON = yes;
    } else
if LongTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if high  >= TP then win[1] + 1 else win[1];
    los = if close <= SL then los[1] + 1 else los[1];
    profit = if high crosses above TP then profit[1] + AbsValue(close - Entry) * lotSize else profit[1];
    losses = if close crosses below SL then losses[1] + AbsValue(Entry - close) * lotSize else losses[1];
    TradeisON = if high >= TP then no else
                if close <= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
    } else
if ShortTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if low <= TP then win[1] + 1 else win[1];
    los = if close >= SL then los[1] + 1 else los[1];
    profit = if low crosses below TP then profit[1] + AbsValue(entry - close) * lotSize else profit[1];
    losses = if close Crosses Above SL then losses[1] + AbsValue(close - Entry) * lotSize else losses[1];
    TradeisON = if low <= tp then no else
                if close >= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
    } else {
    entry = na;
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if !sync then 0 else win[1];
    los = if !sync then 0 else los[1];
    profit = profit[1];
    losses = losses[1];
    TradeisON = TradeisON[1];
def volH =  VolCal(HighIndex,Sync);
def volL = VolCal(LowIndex,Sync);
def BearCon = TradeisON and ShortTrade;
def BullCon = TradeisON and LongTrade;
def signH = if BUY  and !TradeisON then volH else signH[1];
def signS = if SELL and !TradeisON then volL else signS[1];
def buyCond = BullCon and !BullCon[1];
def sellCond = BearCon and !BearCon[1];
def barBuy  = if buyCond  then HighIndex -1 else barBuy[1];
def barSell = if sellCond then lowIndex  -1 else barSell[1];

#-- Signals
plot arrUp = if sigArrows and buyCond then low else na;
plot arrDn = if sigArrows and sellCond then high else na;
arrUp.AssignValueColor(if signH>0 then color.CYAN else Color.VIOLET);
arrDn.AssignValueColor(if signS<0 then color.MAGENTA else Color.PLUM);

AddchartBubble(sigBubble and buyCond, low,"B" ,if signH>0 then color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN, no);
AddchartBubble(sigBubble and sellCond, high,"S",if signS<0 then color.RED else Color.DARK_RED);

#-- Trade
plot entryLine = if !showTargetLines then na else
                 if TradeisON then entry else na;

plot lineUp = if !showTargetLines then na else
              if BullCon then tp else
              if BearCon then tp else na;
plot lineDn = if !showTargetLines then na else
              if BullCon then sl else
              if BearCon then sl else na;

def plotUp = lines and highestAll(barB) > Sync and Sync > highestAll(barBuy);
def plotDn = lines and highestAll(barS) > Sync and Sync > highestAll(barSell);

plot BullPvt = if plotUp then if fixPh then fixPh else na else na;
plot BearPvt = if plotDn then if fixPl then fixPl else na else na;



def bubUpCond = bubble and highestAll(LabLocB) == sync;
def bubDnpCond = bubble and highestAll(LabLocS) == sync;

AddChartBubble(bubUpCond, fixPh ,if labB > 0 then "BOS" else "CHoCH",
               if signH>0 then Color.GREEN else if  signH < 0 then Color.RED else GetColor(4));
AddChartBubble(bubDnpCond, fixPl ,if labS > 0 then "BOS" else "CHoCH",
               if signS<0 then Color.GREEN else if signS > 0 then Color.RED else GetColor(4));

#-- BG and Bar Color
AddCloud(if !colorBackground then na else if BullCon then pos else na, neg, GlobalColor("dGreen"));
AddCloud(if !colorBackground then na else if BearCon then pos else na, neg, GlobalColor("dRed"));

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if BearCon then GlobalColor("_RED") else
                 if BullCon then GlobalColor("_Green") else CreateColor(52, 52, 54));


plot TradeEnd = if !TradeisON and TradeisON[1] then
                if los>los[1] then lineDn[1] else lineUp[1] else na;
TradeEnd.AssignValueColor(if win>win[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#-- Label
def totTrade = win + los;
def winRate = Round(win / totTrade * 100, 0);
def PandL = Round(profit - losses, 2);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Tot Trade: " + totTrade, color.WHITE);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "P/L: $" + PandL,
                        if PandL > 0 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else
                        if PandL < 0 then Color.PINK else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "WinRate: " + winRate + "%",
                        if winRate > 50 then Color. Green else
                        if winRate < 50 then color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Win: " + win, color.GREEN);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Loss: " + los, color.RED);

#-- END of CODE
@samer800 first thank you for this code and the second thing is are you able to please add an alert to this code for everytime it gives a buy/sell signal? FYI- I am not a coder... haha. Thank you inadvance.
Last edited by a moderator:
@samer800 first thank you for this code and the second thing is are you able to please add an alert to this code for everytime it gives a buy/sell signal? FYI- I am not a coder... haha. Thank you inadvance.
copy the below and paste it at the end of code:

input enableAlerts = yes;
input alertType   = Alert.BAR;
input alertSound  = Sound.NoSound;

Alert(enableAlerts and buyCond, "Buy Signal", alertType, alertSound);
Alert(enableAlerts and sellCond, "Sell Signal", alertType, alertSound);
Would anyone have any idea as to where to place Buy, Sell, and Exit alerts for this indicator. I've tried several areas that seemed to make sense to me but they didn't work. But then, I don't really understand exactly what the code is doing.
I've also been trying to get buy, sell, and exit alerts for this script to no avail. I've pretty much tried every variable with "buy" or "long" in it, and can sometimes get it to fire for the first trade, but then it stops for subsequent trades. I think the code is continuously updating. which is screwing with the alerts - but I'm not sure... @samer800 Do you have any insight with what might be going on? Thank you for all you do here!
@samer800 : is it possible to create a scan for the B or S?
Would anyone have any idea as to where to place Buy, Sell, and Exit alerts for this indicator. I've tried several areas that seemed to make sense to me but they didn't work. But then, I don't really understand exactly what the code is doing.
I've also been trying to get buy, sell, and exit alerts for this script to no avail. I've pretty much tried every variable with "buy" or "long" in it, and can sometimes get it to fire for the first trade, but then it stops for subsequent trades. I think the code is continuously updating. which is screwing with the alerts - but I'm not sure... @samer800 Do you have any insight with what might be going on? Thank you for all you do here!

find the scan code below. Remove/Add the hash key "#" for buy or sell signals and adjust number of bars

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © ChartPrime
#indicator("Smart Money Breakouts [ChartPrime]", overlay=true, max_labels_count=500
# Created Scan By Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 10 / 2023
input period = 20;
input WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle = {default "Wicks", "Body"};    # "Wicks or Body of the candle"
input LotSize = 100;
input ProfitMultiplyer = 1.75;    # "Target Multiplyer "
input StopLossMultiplyer = 2.00;

def na = Double.NaN;
def Sync = AbsValue(BarNumber());
def tar = ProfitMultiplyer * 10;
def stL = StopLossMultiplyer * 10;
def wick = WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle == WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle."Wicks";
#method volAdj(int len)=>
def nATR = ATR(Length = 30);
def volAdj = Min(nATR * 0.3, close * (0.3 / 100));
def Adj = volAdj[20] / 2;

#-- Script
script FindPivots {
    input dat = close; # default data or study being evaluated
    input HL  = 0;    # default high or low pivot designation, -1 low, +1 high
    input lbL  = 5;    # default Pivot Lookback Left
    input lbR  = 1;    # default Pivot Lookback Right
    def _nan;    # used for non-number returns
    def _BN;     # the current barnumber
    def _VStop;  # confirms that the lookforward period continues the pivot trend
    def _V;      # the Value at the actual pivot point
    def _pivotRange;
    _BN  = BarNumber();
    _nan = Double.NaN;
    _pivotRange = lbL + lbL;
    _VStop = if !IsNaN(dat[_pivotRange]) and lbR > 0 and lbL > 0 then
                fold a = 1 to lbR + 1 with b=1 while b do
                    if HL > 0 then dat > GetValue(dat, -a) else dat < GetValue(dat, -a) else _nan;
    if (HL > 0) {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Highest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    } else {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Lowest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    plot result = if !IsNaN(_V) and _VStop then _V else _nan;
def ph =  findpivots(high, 1, period, period);
def pl =  findpivots(low ,-1, period, period);
def nanPh = !isNaN(ph);
def nanPl = !isNaN(pl);
def fixPh = if nanPh then ph else fixPh[1];
def fixPl = if nanPl then pl else fixPl[1];
def ScrHigh = if wick then high else close;
def ScrLow  = if wick then low else close;

def UpdatedHigh;
def UpdatedLow;
def ShortTrade;
def TradeisON;
def LongTrade;
def phActive;
def plActive;
def phActive_;
def plActive_;
def TP;
def SL;
def BUY;
def SELL;

if nanPh {
    UpdatedHigh = ph;
    phActive_   = yes;
    } else {
    UpdatedHigh = UpdatedHigh[1];
    phActive_   = phActive[1];
if nanPl  {
    UpdatedLow = pl;
    plActive_  = yes;
    } else {
    UpdatedLow = UpdatedLow[1];
    plActive_  = plActive[1];
#// LONG
if ScrHigh > UpdatedHigh and phActive_ {
    BUY = yes;
    phActive = no;
    } else {
    BUY = no;
    phActive = phActive_;
if ScrLow < UpdatedLow and plActive_ {
    SELL = yes;
    plActive = no;
    } else {
    SELL = no;
    plActive = plActive_;
#// lets Draw

def Long = BUY and !TradeisON[1];
def Short = SELL and !TradeisON[1];
def TradeFire = Long or Short;

if Long and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = yes;
    ShortTrade = no;
    } else
if Short and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = no;
    ShortTrade = yes;
    } else {
    LongTrade = LongTrade[1];
    ShortTrade = ShortTrade[1];
def entry;
if TradeFire and !TradeisON[1] {
    entry = ohlc4[-1];
    TP = if Long  then entry + (Adj * Tar) else
         if Short then entry - (Adj * Tar) else na;
    SL = if Long  then entry - (Adj * stL) else
         if Short then entry + (Adj * stL) else na;
    TradeisON = yes;
    } else
if LongTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    TradeisON = if high >= TP then no else
                if close <= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
    } else
if ShortTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    TradeisON = if low <= tp then no else
                if close >= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
    } else {
    entry = na;
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    TradeisON = TradeisON[1];
def BearCon = TradeisON and ShortTrade;
def BullCon = TradeisON and LongTrade;
def buyCond = BullCon and !BullCon[1];
def sellCond = BearCon and !BearCon[1];

plot buyScan = buyCond Within 5 bars;
#plot SellScan = sellCond Within 5 bars;

#-- END of Scan
@samer800 For some reason, when using chart alerts, email alerts, or as a variable in a watchlist, I can only get the buy/sell signals to trigger for an initial few times, then they always stop working. I've also tried to use most of the variables in this code to trigger alerts, and I always get the same results. Interestingly, when I have the alerts set up in a watchlist, if I simply re-save the script without modifying any of the code, the alerts work again for the first few times. I feel like there's some variable in the code that's not getting "flushed" or something, which is causing it to get hung up. Any help or input would be greatly appreciated, thank you for all you do!

Author Message:
The "Smart Money Breakouts" indicator is designed to identify breakouts based on changes in character (CHOCH) or breaks of structure (BOS) patterns, facilitating automated trading with user-defined Take Profit (TP) level.
More Details :


#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © ChartPrime
#indicator("Smart Money Breakouts [ChartPrime]", overlay=true, max_labels_count=500
# Converted and mod By Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 10 / 2023
input showInfoLabel = yes;
input colorBars = yes;
input colorBackground = yes;
input period = 20;                               #, 'Length',group = CORE,tooltip = "Swing Length")
input WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle = {default "Wicks", "Body"};    # "Wicks or Body of the candle"
input showBosChoch = {Default "Bubbles & Lines", "Bubbles Only", "Lines Only", "Don't Show"};
input signalType = {Default "Bubbles", "Arrows", "Don't Show"};
input showTargetLines = yes;
input LotSize = 100;
input ProfitMultiplyer = 1.75;    # "Target Multiplyer "
input StopLossMultiplyer = 2.00;

def na = Double.NaN;
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def Sync = AbsValue(BarNumber());
def tar = ProfitMultiplyer * 10;
def stL = StopLossMultiplyer * 10;
def wick = WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle == WicksOrBodyOfTheCandle."Wicks";
def sigBubble = signalType == signalType."Bubbles";
def sigArrows = signalType == signalType."Arrows";
#method volAdj(int len)=>
def nATR = ATR(Length = 30);
def volAdj = Min(nATR * 0.3, close * (0.3 / 100));
def Adj = volAdj[20] / 2;
def bubble; def lines;
Switch (showBosChoch) {
Case "Bubbles Only" :
    bubble = yes;
    lines = no;
Case "Lines Only" :
    bubble = no;
    lines = yes;
Case "Don't Show" :
    bubble = no;
    lines = no;
Default :
    bubble = yes;
    lines = yes;

#-- Colors
DefineGlobalColor("GREEN", CreateColor(2, 133, 69));
DefineGlobalColor("TAIL", CreateColor(20, 141, 154));
DefineGlobalColor("RED" , CreateColor(246, 7, 7));
DefineGlobalColor("_Green", CreateColor(3, 156, 131));
DefineGlobalColor("_RED", GetColor(2));
DefineGlobalColor("dGreen", CreateColor(3,69,57));
DefineGlobalColor("dRed", CreateColor(86,3,10));

#-- Script
script VolCal {
    input Index = 100;
    input Sync  = 50;
    def Bars = AbsValue(Index - Sync);
    def Green = fold i = 0 to Bars with p do
                p + (if GetValue(close, i) > GetValue(open, i)
                then GetValue(volume, i) else 0);
    def Red  = fold j = 0 to Bars with q do
                q + (if GetValue(close, j) < GetValue(open, j)
                then GetValue(volume, j) else 0);
    def Total = fold v = 0 to Bars with l do
                l + GetValue(volume, v);
    def GreenRatio = Green / Total * 100;
    def RedRatio = Red / Total * 100;
    def VolCal = if GreenRatio > 55 then 1 else
                 if RedRatio > 55 then -1 else 0;
    plot Out = VolCal;
script FindPivots {
    input dat = close; # default data or study being evaluated
    input HL  = 0;    # default high or low pivot designation, -1 low, +1 high
    input lbL  = 5;    # default Pivot Lookback Left
    input lbR  = 1;    # default Pivot Lookback Right
    def _nan;    # used for non-number returns
    def _BN;     # the current barnumber
    def _VStop;  # confirms that the lookforward period continues the pivot trend
    def _V;      # the Value at the actual pivot point
    def _pivotRange;
    _BN  = BarNumber();
    _nan = Double.NaN;
    _pivotRange = lbL + lbL;
    _VStop = if !IsNaN(dat[_pivotRange]) and lbR > 0 and lbL > 0 then
                fold a = 1 to lbR + 1 with b=1 while b do
                    if HL > 0 then dat > GetValue(dat, -a) else dat < GetValue(dat, -a) else _nan;
    if (HL > 0) {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Highest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    } else {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Lowest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    plot result = if !IsNaN(_V) and _VStop then _V else _nan;
def ph =  findpivots(high, 1, period, period);
def pl =  findpivots(low ,-1, period, period);
def nanPh = !isNaN(ph);
def nanPl = !isNaN(pl);
def fixPh = if nanPh then ph else fixPh[1];
def fixPl = if nanPl then pl else fixPl[1];
def ScrHigh = if wick then high else close;
def ScrLow  = if wick then low else close;

def UpdatedHigh;
def UpdatedLow;
def ShortTrade;
def TradeisON;
def LongTrade;
def HighIndex;
def phActive;
def plActive;
def phActive_;
def plActive_;
def LowIndex;
def HBreak;
def TP;
def SL;
def BUY;
def SELL;

if nanPh {
    UpdatedHigh = ph;
    phActive_   = yes;
    HighIndex   = Sync;
    } else {
    UpdatedHigh = UpdatedHigh[1];
    phActive_   = phActive[1];
    HighIndex   = HighIndex[1];
if nanPl  {
    UpdatedLow = pl;
    plActive_  = yes;
    LowIndex   = Sync;
    } else {
    UpdatedLow = UpdatedLow[1];
    plActive_  = plActive[1];
    LowIndex   = LowIndex[1];
#// LONG
if ScrHigh > UpdatedHigh and phActive_ {
    BUY = yes;
    phActive = no;
    } else {
    BUY = no;
    phActive = phActive_;
if ScrLow < UpdatedLow and plActive_ {
    SELL = yes;
    plActive = no;
    } else {
    SELL = no;
    plActive = plActive_;
#// lets Draw

def barB;def LabLocB;def labB;
def barS;def LabLocS;def labS;

if BUY and !TradeisON[1] {
    barB    = Sync;
    barS    = barS[1];
    LabLocB = floor(Sync - (Sync - HighIndex) / 2);
    LabLocS = LabLocS[1];
    labB    = if !HBreak[1] then 1 else -1;
    labS    = labS[1];
    HBreak  = yes;
    } else
if SELL and !TradeisON[1] {
    barB    = barB[1];
    barS    = Sync;
    LabLocB = LabLocB[1];
    LabLocS = floor(Sync - (Sync - LowIndex) / 2);
    labB    = labB[1];
    labS    = if HBreak[1] then 1 else -1;
    HBreak  = no;
    } else {
    barB    = barB[1];
    barS    = barS[1];
    LabLocB = LabLocB[1];
    LabLocS = LabLocS[1];
    labB    = labB[1];
    labS    = labS[1];
    HBreak  = HBreak[1];
def Long = BUY and !TradeisON[1];
def Short = SELL and !TradeisON[1];
def TradeFire = Long or Short;

if Long and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = yes;
    ShortTrade = no;
    } else
if Short and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = no;
    ShortTrade = yes;
    } else {
    LongTrade = LongTrade[1];
    ShortTrade = ShortTrade[1];
def win; def los;def entry;
def profit; def losses;
if TradeFire and !TradeisON[1] {
    entry = ohlc4[-1];
    TP = if Long  then entry + (Adj * Tar) else
         if Short then entry - (Adj * Tar) else na;
    SL = if Long  then entry - (Adj * stL) else
         if Short then entry + (Adj * stL) else na;
    win = if !sync then 0 else win[1];
    los = if !sync then 0 else los[1];
    profit = profit[1];
    losses = losses[1];
    TradeisON = yes;
    } else
if LongTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if high  >= TP then win[1] + 1 else win[1];
    los = if close <= SL then los[1] + 1 else los[1];
    profit = if high crosses above TP then profit[1] + AbsValue(close - Entry) * lotSize else profit[1];
    losses = if close crosses below SL then losses[1] + AbsValue(Entry - close) * lotSize else losses[1];
    TradeisON = if high >= TP then no else
                if close <= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
    } else
if ShortTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if low <= TP then win[1] + 1 else win[1];
    los = if close >= SL then los[1] + 1 else los[1];
    profit = if low crosses below TP then profit[1] + AbsValue(entry - close) * lotSize else profit[1];
    losses = if close Crosses Above SL then losses[1] + AbsValue(close - Entry) * lotSize else losses[1];
    TradeisON = if low <= tp then no else
                if close >= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
    } else {
    entry = na;
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if !sync then 0 else win[1];
    los = if !sync then 0 else los[1];
    profit = profit[1];
    losses = losses[1];
    TradeisON = TradeisON[1];
def volH =  VolCal(HighIndex,Sync);
def volL = VolCal(LowIndex,Sync);
def BearCon = TradeisON and ShortTrade;
def BullCon = TradeisON and LongTrade;
def signH = if BUY  and !TradeisON then volH else signH[1];
def signS = if SELL and !TradeisON then volL else signS[1];
def buyCond = BullCon and !BullCon[1];
def sellCond = BearCon and !BearCon[1];
def barBuy  = if buyCond  then HighIndex -1 else barBuy[1];
def barSell = if sellCond then lowIndex  -1 else barSell[1];

#-- Signals
plot arrUp = if sigArrows and buyCond then low else na;
plot arrDn = if sigArrows and sellCond then high else na;
arrUp.AssignValueColor(if signH>0 then color.CYAN else Color.VIOLET);
arrDn.AssignValueColor(if signS<0 then color.MAGENTA else Color.PLUM);

AddchartBubble(sigBubble and buyCond, low,"B" ,if signH>0 then color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN, no);
AddchartBubble(sigBubble and sellCond, high,"S",if signS<0 then color.RED else Color.DARK_RED);

#-- Trade
plot entryLine = if !showTargetLines then na else
                 if TradeisON then entry else na;

plot lineUp = if !showTargetLines then na else
              if BullCon then tp else
              if BearCon then tp else na;
plot lineDn = if !showTargetLines then na else
              if BullCon then sl else
              if BearCon then sl else na;

def plotUp = lines and highestAll(barB) > Sync and Sync > highestAll(barBuy);
def plotDn = lines and highestAll(barS) > Sync and Sync > highestAll(barSell);

plot BullPvt = if plotUp then if fixPh then fixPh else na else na;
plot BearPvt = if plotDn then if fixPl then fixPl else na else na;



def bubUpCond = bubble and highestAll(LabLocB) == sync;
def bubDnpCond = bubble and highestAll(LabLocS) == sync;

AddChartBubble(bubUpCond, fixPh ,if labB > 0 then "BOS" else "CHoCH",
               if signH>0 then Color.GREEN else if  signH < 0 then Color.RED else GetColor(4));
AddChartBubble(bubDnpCond, fixPl ,if labS > 0 then "BOS" else "CHoCH",
               if signS<0 then Color.GREEN else if signS > 0 then Color.RED else GetColor(4));

#-- BG and Bar Color
AddCloud(if !colorBackground then na else if BullCon then pos else na, neg, GlobalColor("dGreen"));
AddCloud(if !colorBackground then na else if BearCon then pos else na, neg, GlobalColor("dRed"));

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if BearCon then GlobalColor("_RED") else
                 if BullCon then GlobalColor("_Green") else CreateColor(52, 52, 54));


plot TradeEnd = if !TradeisON and TradeisON[1] then
                if los>los[1] then lineDn[1] else lineUp[1] else na;
TradeEnd.AssignValueColor(if win>win[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#-- Label
def totTrade = win + los;
def winRate = Round(win / totTrade * 100, 0);
def PandL = Round(profit - losses, 2);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Tot Trade: " + totTrade, color.WHITE);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "P/L: $" + PandL,
                        if PandL > 0 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else
                        if PandL < 0 then Color.PINK else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "WinRate: " + winRate + "%",
                        if winRate > 50 then Color. Green else
                        if winRate < 50 then color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Win: " + win, color.GREEN);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Loss: " + los, color.RED);

#-- END of CODE
Hi, thanks for creating this indicator. Could you please provide a script for watchlist?
Hello, is there a way to change the gray candles to a lighter color or white? Thanks
I am not a coder by any means. I added this Indicator and I like it. I also added the indicator Super Trend and They go well together adding color to the gray areas and more entry exit points. So it seems to me. Going to try this this week


  • Screenshot 2024-02-11 103406.png
    Screenshot 2024-02-11 103406.png
    269.6 KB · Views: 193
copy the below and paste it at the end of code:

input enableAlerts = yes;
input alertType   = Alert.BAR;
input alertSound  = Sound.NoSound;

Alert(enableAlerts and buyCond, "Buy Signal", alertType, alertSound);
Alert(enableAlerts and sellCond, "Sell Signal", alertType, alertSound);
Has anyone been able to get the alert code to work? I've tried doing something similar many times with various combinations, and I'm just not hearing anything. Is this code re-painting after the fact so that it won't trigger the alert?
Yep, I was having the same problem, then I realized that there's a pivot point indicator in the code, which repaints (see: script FindPivots {....). So it wasn't sending alerts and was repainting.

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